Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Latham's brain

Here is a small peek inside Latham my four year olds brain. Remember he says s for f and v.
Latham-Mommy I don't believe in the desil.
Me-Well you have to believe in the devil because one day you will be saved from him.
Latham-Well what if he gets me?
Me-Honey the devil can not get you.How do you think the devil will get you?
Latham-While he is sitting in his office he will reach up through the ground and grab my legs.
Me-The devil has an office?
Latham-That's where he works.
Me-Well first the devil can not reach up and get you through the ground. Second I am pretty sure he does not have an office so maybe you should say a prayer to God to help you know that the devil can not get you.
Latham-Dear God,Please sire the desil so he can not gets me. Amen.

Friday, March 13, 2009


For those of you that do not know Latham has some allergies. The biggest thing he can not have eggs or anything with egg in it. Do you know how many things have eggs in them? A lot. So he went back to the allergist because he had been having some issues and they did blood work last Friday. By the way when the nurse filling the 5 vials finished he told her to put the blood back because it was his. Anyway so we got a phone call from the allergist about the blood work today. Holy cow there is a lot to digest. Environmental allergens, cat,dog,like 7 different molds and mountain cedar. Food allergens,milk,egg(which we knew)peanut,wheat,soybean,corn,sesame seed,shrimp,barley,rice and whey. We don't know exactly what this all means yet except it will more that likely be a very long process of taking things away and adding them for the next 7 months or so. When we went last Friday the doctor told us to stay away from tomatoes just in case so we did. We found out that they are fine and you should have seen how happy that boy was when he was able to eat marinara sauce tonight. So that is what is going on with him right now. Pretty exciting don't you think?

The last couple of days

Well it started out about 11:45 p.m. Wednesday night. I was up watching t.v. in my bedroom and Lucas came in there saying that his ear hurt really bad. I had some ear drops from the last ear related problem in December so I gave those to him along with some tylenol. 1:30 a.m. still up and in a lot of pain so I gave him some motrin and some different drops that I had that were all natural and they say they numb the pain (wish I would have found those first) he finally fell back asleep around 2:45 or 3:00 a.m. He was so tired but said that he was to awake. Can you be to awake in the middle of the night? So he woke up on his own Thursday morning and wanted to go to school he said his ear did not hurt that bad and he was not running a fever so I thought o.k. maybe it was just an earache. Then I get a call from the school nurse at 10:00 and he had his head on the desk crying so I picked him up. We wait a little bit and he starts having clear drainage around 2:30 p.m. so I call the doctor's office and they say that I am doing everything I can and give them a call if the color changes. Thursday night the color changed to red so this morning I call and we go in. Ruptured eardrum second one in three months. No ear infection though very strange the doctor says. We have to go back in two weeks and then we will more than likely be referred to an ENT specialist.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

my baby

Well four years ago today we were blessed with a wonderful addition to our family. Today is Latham Grai Phillips birthday and I can not believe that he is already four.
He was a huge surprise for us and surprises us everyday with his humor and loving spirit. We are very lucky that he is such a great little stinker. Just a little glimpse into what is important in his life. He loves his brothers and considers them his personal toys. He says things like "there is nothing to do except the bubbas" he loves key lime pie yogurt I mean loves it wants to eat it everyday twice a day. He also loves little miss Gracie Bolin. Here is the conversation that happened yesterday. They were watching his new favorite movie,Gremlins,don't judge me the kid loves to be scared and that is the tamest I could think of. Anyway here it is....
oh and by the way he says s for f
Latham "Gracie this movie might sreak you out a little bit."
Gracie "Really"
Latham "ya but don't worry I will protect you. Grace I will always protect you."
Gracie "I know Lafam that's why I will always love you."
Could they be any cutier.
And that is pretty much everything he loves. He is a great kid and I would not give anything for the surprise that God gave us.